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Christopher Robin
7.6 (88%) 246 votes
Christopher Robin

!HD! Watch Online Hope Gap

Hope Gap - by TdyxhhyZ, April 27, 2020
4.9/ 5stars

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Star=Annette Bening
Synopsis=Hope Gap is a movie starring Bill Nighy, Annette Bening, and Josh O'Connor. A couple's visit with their son takes a dramatic turn when the father tells him he plans on leaving his mother
338 vote
directed by=William Nicholson
Watch Online Hope. Watch hope gap online free. Watch online hope gap login. Very enjoyable drama about an couple whose marriage is strained and break up and the effects on each and their grown son. Some humour but a serious film. Performances are first class and as usual Annette Bening is outstanding. John O'Connor (Gods Own Country) also is a stand out.

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Hope Gap made up for all that. It is beautifully acted (Annette Bening is extraordinary) deep and subtle, and does carry you away.

A great three hander dealing with relationships in a real way without being banal. Great use of dialogue and poetry. A mature movie that s satisfying without being trite.


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Columnist: Alea jacta est

Bio: L'éternité n'est guère plus longue que la vie. René Char

Genre: Crime directed by: Marco Bellocchio 2 hour 25min average Rating: 7,7 / 10 Resume: Il traditore is a movie starring Pierfrancesco Favino, Luigi Lo Cascio, and Fausto Russo Alesi. The real life of Tommaso Buscetta, the so-called "boss of the two worlds," the first mafia informant in Sicily in the 1980s writer: Francesco La Licata. Il traditore musica. I veri mafiosi sono a roma lo sanno tutti ma nessuno fa niente. Il traditore film movie. Il traditore review. Il traditore film completo 2019. Il traditore film completo youtube. Il traditore showtimes. Il traditore lasciatemi cantare. I've seen a lot of movies about mafia and Aldo about Buscetta (I Giudici by Ricky Tognazzi) and this is the best of recent Times. Favino is quite better than Al Pacino and in the Brazil scenes you can smell Drug and music.

Il traditore new york. The Traitor has wasted a series of really big opportunities, despite taking two and half very long hours of the viewers' time (definitely too much for the results it achieves.
The Traitor could have been the opportunity to explore in depth the complex and controversial personality of Tommaso Buscetta but the movie barely scratches the surface of this multifaceted character.
It could have been the opportunity to dig into the overall role of the "pentiti" of the mafia, the former "men of honour" turned into witnesses for the state; this was a very controversial, ambiguous and surely humanly difficult choice for those people yet again the movie misses its chance.
It could have been the opportunity to offer a deep look into a dramatic moment of the contemporary history of the Italian mafia, the bloody 80' and 90's, but these events are presented in a rather fragmented, disjointed manner, bordering sometimes the caricature (like the trial scenes.
The one thing to be saved of the movie is Favino's performance, really stunning.

Il traditore colonna sonora. Il traditore – trădătorul (2019. Il traditore full movie online. Amikor Roy Clayton FBI ügynök nyomozni kezd egy veszélyes nemzetközi összeesküvés ügyében, a nyomok az egykori különleges ügyosztálybéli hivatalnokhoz, Samir Horn-hoz vezetnek. A nyomozáshoz csatlakozik Max Archer, egy másik FBI ügynök, és Carter, egy veterán CIA összeköt? is. Egy fogoly szökése, egy bombázás, egy rajtaütés - Clayton hamarosan kénytelen azt hinni, hogy az egész egy ügy egy katonai hadművelet eredménye? Che cagata ahahahahaha il capo dei capi era un film non sta cagata. Marco Bellocchio rendező eddigi legerősebb és legjobb munkájában szép aprólékosan mutatja be az olasz maffia, a Cosa Nostra megsemmisülését egy áruló szemével, azonban még így sem képes sem tematikájában, sem karaktereiben olyan erős és érdekes képet festeni a vászonra, amelyet már ne láttunk volna eddig e téma nagymestereitől… Kritika: Bruce A forgatókönyv megírásában rengeteg rendőrségi és bírósági jegyzőkönyv állt a direktor és társai rendelkezésére, azonban ez a temérdek információhalmaz sem volt elég ahhoz, hogy olyan érdekfeszítő történet szülessen, ami sokáig beéghetett volna emlékezetünkbe. Az első áruló egy igazi gengsztermese, ha lehet így mondani, egy jól sikerült lövés, melynek távolsága az 1970-es évek elejétől egészen az 1990-as évek végéig tart. Története nem más, mint az a szenzációs olaszországi maffiaellenes per, melyben több száz szicíliai rosszfiút ítéltek el pár magas szintű informátor tanúvallomása alapján, akik közül a legfontosabb Tomasso Buscetta (Pierfrancesco Favino) volt, aki azontúl hogy a történet gerincét képezi, olyan kiemelkedő teljesítményt nyújt, ami Bellocchio művének megmentőjévé és ezáltal csillagává is vált. Nélküle és karizmatikus teljesítménye nélkül nemcsak szegényebb és szürkébb alkotást kapnánk, de leredukálódna egy tévéfilm szintjére a hatalmas munkája. Buscetta lépése, mely szerint mindent maga mögé hagyva elárulja a Cosa Nostrát mindenkit meglepett, és tette nem is maradt következmények nélkül, hisz ezt a lépését annak ellenére lépte meg, hogy tudta azt, ezt bűntársai nem hagyják szó nélkül. Harminchárom ismerősét, illetve rokonát végezték ki. Ez Olaszországban egy olyan tett, mely alacsonyabbra helyezi Őt mindenkinél. Nem csupán a média, a rendőrség, de saját bérgyilkos társai körében is közutálatnak örvendett Buscetta. A kulcsfontosságú figura ábrázolásában komoly erőfeszítéseket tesz az olasz karakterszínész, Flavio, mely csak leírva tűnik erőlködésnek, nagyon eltalált és hálás szerep az övé. Tanúvallomása hatalmas lépés volt, mely 1986 és ’92 közt zajlott Falcone bíró előtt. Bellocchio nagyszerűen jellemezi az árulót, és nem is próbálja istenként bemutatni, amire, valljuk be, nincs is szükség, hisz köztudott volt, szereplőnk miből kereste meg a kenyérre valót. A fogvatartás ellenére nem szűkölködött a pénzben, és képes volt olyan életmódot folytatni, amire sokan vágytak. Hogy milyen ember is volt valójában Buscetta? Erre a kérdésre ugyanúgy nem jöttem rá, mint arra sem: miért van zárható ajtaja egy non-stop boltnak…? :), viccet félrehajítva, nem tudjuk meg, hisz ezt a kérdést nyitva hagyták nekünk, és a magunk gondolatai adják meg a megfelelő választ. Az első árulóra jellemző szó a magabiztosság. Erős kezekben tartotta a cselekményt a direktor, és ez a legfőbb pozitívum, mely elsőre eszembe jut mostani filmje kapcsán. Azonban a sok szép villanás, mely ritkán, de fellelhető munkájában, sem adhat okot arra, hogy egy szintre, vagy megközelítő magasságokba kerüljön e terület igazi zsenijeivel, mint pl: Coppolával vagy Scorsese -vel… A fordulatok és a külsőségek természetesen megvoltak, a hatásvadász képek is az igyekezetet mutatják, azonban a rendőségi jelentéseket csípőből létrehozó direktornak ezen túl kellett volna lépnie, és többet kellett volna dolgoznia a karakterekkel, jellemekkel. Nem rakhat akkora súlyt még egy olyan pompás előadásra sem, mint amit Favino nyújt. Rajta kívül a több mint két és fél óra játékidő nem sok érdekesebb szereplővel bír, ami sajnos egy újabb mulasztást mutat. Nincs hiány a tévétől a moziig a maffiadrámákból, és drukkoltam is az alkotásnak, hogy találja meg magának azt a repedést, melyet még nem látott a nagyérdemű, de nem így lett. Szükségünk van egy ilyen tematikában olyan izgalmas szerepekre, mely a Nagymenők zamatát is adta. Ott a triumvirátus erős szövetsége, pompásan megírt szövegei és ezzel együtt a kimagaslóan erős köteléke adta meg a különleges ízt a már ismert történetnek. Itt még nyomokban sem fedezhető fel karakterkibontakozás a címszereplő mellett. Hiába… Scorsese izgalmas audióvizuális tálalását, mely leginkább jellemzi stílusát, egyhamar nem lehet megugrani, úgy tűnik. A leszámolások brutalitása és hangsúlyossága nem elég ahhoz, hogy a helyenkénti laposságot ellensúlyozza. Több lelki és szellemi sugallatra lett volna szüksége Bellochio-nak ahhoz, hogy bekerüljön egy olyan körbe, ami az év meglepetését szolgáltatta volna. A rendező kreativitása és alkotókészsége még igényel szakmai fejlesztéseket e témában, amelyek olyan megújulást eredményeznének, amivel bekerülhetne a halhatatlanok míves csarnokába. A magabiztosságon kívül most a merészségre is szükség lett volna… Kritika: Kovács Ferenc # Bruce 10 legjobb maffia film, amit látnod kell Színészi alakítás - 70% Történet - 57% Hangulat - 60% IMDB - 71% RottenTomatoes - 80% Filmezzü - 65% User Rating: Be the first one! Article Tags: Az első áruló · Calì Nicola · Fabrizio Ferracane · Fausto Russo Alesi · featured · Luigi Lo Cascio · Marco Bellocchio · Maria Fernanda Cândido · Pierfrancesco Favino.

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Il traditore csfd. Un siciliano sto film non lo può guardare. è una gran minchiata... Il traditore amsterdam. In questo film non ci sono io in prima persona pero' mi sono messo dentro, il personaggio di Buscetta è anche questo, quindi e' stato un processo molto diverso da quelli in cui di solito faccio nei film... Il traditore movie. Il traditore netflix. Il traditore 2019. Il traditore trailer english. Il traditore soundtrack. Main role: excellent acting. Movie feels too documentaric and fragmented. Film should have been 20 min shorter, and it lacks the point beyond facts and dramatic history.

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Runtime 22 Minute Audience score 728565 votes actors Jennifer Aniston Year 1994 Genre Comedy. Friends laundry day. Friends hbo max. “The language of friendship is not words but meanings. ” — Henry David Thoreau I’m sure that at some point in every pet-lover’s life, they wish their animal friend could verbalize their thoughts. Our furry companions seem so in tune with our moods and the world around them, but the barriers of biology and language prevent them from having even a simple chat with us. The beautiful thing about friendship is that it transcends language. A beloved pet doesn’t need to articulate their thoughts with words for us to understand their affection. With a true friend — be they human, canine, or something else entirely — you can sit comfortably in silence and simply share space. Claire, my friend. Photo by Jen H. This week, share an image of a friend. As always, we look forward to your contributions!

I love the phrase besides nothing goes with bing so I am screwed. Friends dummy down stairs. Get from the state, like Israel gets OUR hard earned tax. I only now realized that this song is about Friendzone. Follow us: Best Friends, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, operates the nation's largest sanctuary for homeless animals; provides adoption, spay/neuter, and educational programs. Friends episodes full length. Friends piano. It a scam, I have been duped by them before. No one reported him being there. This is what happens when you raise cowards that dont stand up for anything and you have a system that protects criminals.

Friends quote. Sry Im late I was at school. Friends best scenes. Friends blake shelton. Justin actually looks adorable in this video. I miss it. Idk what happened to him. February 21, 2020 2:00PM PT It’s happening: The “ Friends ” cast is reuniting for an exclusive untitled unscripted special on HBO Max. Jennifer Aniston, Courteney Cox, Lisa Kudrow, Matt LeBlanc, Matthew Perry and David Schwimmer will return to the original “ Friends ” soundstage, Stage 24, on the Warner Bros. Studio lot in Burbank to celebrate the long-running series, which ended its run in 2004. Sources close to the situation tell Variety the six stars will receive at least $2. 5 million apiece for participating in the special. The reunion has been hotly anticipated, with speculation about the HBO Max special swirling since last fall, just months after the WarnerMedia-created SVOD platform nabbed the streaming rights to the show from Netflix in a deal with Warner Bros. Television. All 10 seasons of the comedy left Netflix at the end of 2019, meaning that “Friends” has thus far not been available to stream in the U. S. this calendar year — at least, not until HBO Max launches in May. The special, as well as all 236 episodes of “Friends, ” will be available upon the streaming service’s debut. They will no doubt be a high-profile part of HBO Max’s appeal as it tries to attract subscribers. Though the sitcom aired its series finale over 15 years ago, third-party market researchers have said “Friends” was one of Netflix’s most-watched shows. And as previously reported, Warner Bros. Home Entertainment told Variety that sales of physical and digital versions of “Friends” have “roughly tripled” since news broke that it would be leaving Netflix. “Guess you could call this the one where they all got back together — we are reuniting with David, Jennifer, Courteney, Matt, Lisa, and Matthew for an HBO Max special that will be programmed alongside the entire ‘Friends’ library, ” said Kevin Reilly, chief content officer at HBO Max and president of TBS, TNT, and truTV, in a statement. “I became aware of ‘Friends’ when it was in the very early stages of development and then had the opportunity to work on the series many years later and have delighted in seeing it catch on with viewers generation after generation. It taps into an era when friends – and audiences – gathered together in real time and we think this reunion special will capture that spirit, uniting original and new fans. ” Ben Winston will direct the special and executive produce alongside “Friends” executive producers Kevin Bright, Marta Kauffman and David Crane. Warner Bros. Unscripted & Alternative Television and Fulwell 73 Productions are behind the program. Aniston, Cox, Kudrow, LeBlanc, Perry, and Schwimmer are also executive producing the special, with Emma Conway and James Longman on board as co-executive producers. More from “Friends”: The Directors Guild of America has announced it has cancelled non-critical group meetings and will limit or cancel future events due to the coronavirus epidemic. “The situation is quickly evolving, and we will continue to re-assess plans and communicate accordingly, ” the DGA said in a message to members on its web site on Wednesday. The DGA, which [... ] Byron Allen’s Allen Media Group has made an all-cash offer for Tegna, the station group that has attracted at least two other bids during the past week. Allen is believed to have offered $20 a share for Tegna in a bid that values the company at $8. 5 billion, including more than $4 billion of Tegna [... ] The NBA has suspended the current season of play due to the coronavirus pandemic. The league made the announcement on Wednesday. “The NBA is suspending game play following the conclusion of tonight’s schedule of games until further notice, ” the statement read. “The NBA will use this hiatus to determine next steps for moving forward in [... ] The stars will have to wait to get slimed. Nickelodeon is pushing back the date of its annual Kids’ Choice Awards, joining the growing list of live events, conventions and conferences that are being canceled or postponed amid a global pandemic that has seen over 1, 200 confirmed cases of the novel coronavirus, or COVID-19, in [... ] The U. will suspend all travel from Europe to the United States for 30 days in the latest dramatic response to the growing pandemic caused by the coronavirus outbreak. President Donald Trump announced the European travel restrictions in a somber address to the nation Wednesday night from the Oval Office. The travel restrictions, which take [... ] “The Ellen DeGeneres Show” will not be taping in front of a live studio audience, starting on Monday, as yet another television show grapples with how to continue production while the novel coronavirus spreads through the U. “With the rapidly changing nature of the COVID-19 outbreak, and out of concern for our audience attending ‘The [... ] SPOILER ALERT: Do not read ahead if you have not watched Season 3, episode 7 of “The Masked Singer, ” which aired March 11 on Fox. We can bear-ly believe it: Former Alaskan governor Sarah Palin was unmasked as the Bear on Wednesday night’s edition of “The Masked Singer, ” and her song choice was… well, unexpected. [... ].

Friends ed sheeran. Friends meets seinfeld. Friends full episodes season 2. The chair episode was my first episode of friends to watch. Why do I love it so much when they just make a random loud, weird noise😂😂. Friends video. Friends unagi.

Honestly, I´m not a big JB fan but I really like him in this video. He seems so cute

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So sick of Holywood and crappy rappers. I don't normally comment on movies or anything, but I just had a FRIENDS night, where I just watched pretty much the whole 4th season and had to watch the last episode of season 10 in which Ross and Rach finally get back together. I mean, forget Romeo and Juliet, Tarzan and Jane, Rambo and his gun. This is the real thing. There's never ever been a couple more made for each other (on TV) than those two. I started watching FRIENDSin 1994, and was a fan right from the beginning. I was 7 by then, so I can say I grew up with the guys and it really kind of tore my heart out when it ended 4 years ago. I watched it with my girlfriend who is not really that into the series and could thus not really understand the fuss I was making about the final (well, she tried, though. Anyway, I couldn't believe that it had to end. I had so much fun with all of them. I mean, laughing about Chandler's genius comments and jokes, about Joeys stupidity, Phobee's naivety, Ross's way of being (and the dinosaurs. Monica's mania for cleanliness and Rachel's beauty of being, too. They're unique, witty, and hilarious, the chemistry is perfect between all of them. It's just incomparable. It's just been the most amazing show there ever was. There's never gonna be anything like this. And I am really sorry for that. Well, I'd like to thank Jennifer Aniston, Matt LeBlanc, Courtney Cox-Arquette, Lisa Kudrow, Matthew Perry and David Schwimmer for just being the best FRIENDS, Thanks. You rock! Well, thanks.

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Actors=Brook Susan Parker audience Score=37 vote Duration=115Min 2020 description=Blind Eyes Opened is a movie starring Brook Susan Parker. A Christian documentary diving into the sex trafficking industry in the US exposing the darkness that fuels demand, highlighting survivors' transformations through Christ.

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The film should be a compulsory “O Level” subject, as well as being shown in ‘every British school. There is only one thing I need to know, how does he read the comments. Since I found you on YouTube I can't stop watching. I really wish Brook was a better speaker. He undermines his intellect and authority on the topic with his stuttering and poor pronunciation. Harsh, maybe, but this stuff matters.

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What a blessing. Michele Coomer is a victim of sex trafficking. The 49-year-old married mother of four says she kept the horrors of her childhood a secret for much of her life. But Coomer says in 2013 she was finally able to reveal to her husband how she was abused by a now-deceased family member who repeatedly sold her for sex as a girl. "It was terrifying to tell my husband... I didn't know how he was going to react, " said Coomer, who lives in Hendersonville. "He just folded me into his arms and said 'This doesn't change things. This doesn't change who you are. I will always love you. '" Coomer has continued to tell her story. She is one of the survivors featured in a new documentary, " Blind Eyes Opened: The Truth About Sex Trafficking in America. " It will be shown Thursday evening in nearly 800 theaters nationwide and several Nashville-area theaters are participating in the one-night-only viewing. The feature-length documentary by a Christian production company, Ships of Tarshish, took six years to make and is billed as a "first-of-its-kind look at the dark roots of sex trafficking, " a news release states. Not only does it dig into this modern slavery epidemic, but the movie also shows how Christian beliefs can help victims heal. "Once you've learned how to recognize human trafficking, you begin to see it everywhere — it's in every single community, " Geoffrey Rogers, a "Blind Eyes Opened" executive producer, said in the news release. Rogers is also the CEO of the faith-based nonprofit U. S. Institute Against Human Trafficking. It works to end trafficking in a number of ways, including partnering with government and community leaders to create trafficking-free zones and advocating for laws that punish those buying sex. Coomer said charges were never filed against the family member who abused her. But her relationship with God, professional help and sharing her story has helped with her own healing process. Coomer, who is a longtime member of Long Hollow Baptist Church in Hendersonville, said she also hopes her story will help others. "My goal is for them to know that if they have had similar experience, whether it is being trafficked or sexually exploited or sexually abused as a child, that there is hope and freedom on the other side, " Coomer said. Coomer continues to be involved in the fight to end human trafficking. Today, she helps rescue victims in Thailand. Through an organization, Coomer visits the country a couple times a year in order to build relationships with women trapped by sex trafficking. The goal is to help them escape their circumstances. It is not just survivors who can make an impact. The church also can play a role in ending human trafficking, Kerri Rogers, a "Blind Eyes Opened" executive producer and writer, said in the news release. That work should include reducing the demand for pornography and ministering to sex trade workers. "We absolutely need the church to engage in this crucial battle; but first, followers of Christ have to allow themselves to see the problem, and that’s what this movie aims to do, " Rogers said. "If we're going to truly overcome the evil of sex trafficking, hearts have to change; and this only happens through the love of Christ. " Coomer encouraged people to see the new documentary so they can recognize when human trafficking is occurring. "It's happening everywhere. It is happening in your neighborhood. It's happening to people who look and appear absolutely like a normal American family, " Coomer said. "I think if people were just more aware and just kept their eyes open and new how to keep their eyes open that we could stop some of this trafficking that's happening. " Visit for more details on the documentary, including ticket information. If you suspect someone may be a victim of human trafficking, call the Tennessee Human Trafficking Hotline at 1-855-55-TNHTH (86484). Reach Holly Meyer at or 615-259-8241 and on Twitter @HollyAMeyer. If you go: What: One-day theater release of "Blind Eyes Opened" When: 7 p. m. Thursday Where: Select local theaters including Regal Opry Mills, Regal Hollywood 27, Regal Green Hills and AMC Thoroughbred 20 in Cool Springs Details: Visit for more information, including how to buy tickets. Read or Share this story:.

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Who's Involved: Geoffrey Rogers, Sarah Manson, Kerri Rogers, Cherie Hollis, Natalie Kehn, Larry Wiezycki Rating: NR Runtime: 1 hr, 55 m Blind Eyes Opened Official stills & photos 20 more Blind Eyes Opened Plot: What's the story? A Christian documentary diving into the sex trafficking industry in the US exposing the darkness that fuels demand, highlighting survivors' transformations through Christ, and showing Christ as the hope for all involved. 4. 22 / 5 stars ( 9 users) Poll: Will you see Blind Eyes Opened? — Crew and Production Credits: Who's making Blind Eyes Opened? A look at the Blind Eyes Opened behind-the-scenes crew and production team. Blind Eyes Opened Trailers & Videos Production Timeline: When did the Blind Eyes Opened come together? On or about January 3, 2020 • The film was in Completed status. Questions: Frequently Asked About Blind Eyes Opened.

This is some sweet *ss trailer. Didn't expect that. Tom I was having the same kind of thoughts about the time frame of the making of the movie.i haven't seen it but I would expect it to be a top notch production and I hope it reaches people who need to see it and helps to bring Jesus into the lives of the lost.

Blind eyes opened watch full length hd. Blind eyes opened watch full length episode. Michael Foust Contributor 2020 17 Jan COMMENTS Rebekah is an American teenage girl with low esteem. She’s been raped. She’s lost friends. She doesn’t get along with her parents. So, at age 16, she moves out of her parents’ home and starts doing drugs. At age 17 and needing cash, she starts working at a strip club. From there, she meets a handsome man who promises her a place to live and plenty of love. He has a 5, 000-square-foot home. He has secretaries who answer his phone. “He made me feel special, and wanted, and loved – which is what I missed, ” she says. Soon, though, Rebekah is caught up in the underground world of sex trafficking. She is forced into prostitution. The film Blind Eyes Opened – in theaters for one night only, Jan. 23 – tells the story of Rebekah and others like her in what has been dubbed a “first-of-its-kind Christian documentary. ” The film interviews law enforcement officials, lawmakers, trafficking experts and ministry leaders as it exposes a dark underground industry – sex trafficking – that is closer to your city than you might think. It’s one of the best films on the subject and one of the most gripping, too. Here are three things you’ll learn: Photo courtesy: Fathom 1. It’s Happening in your Area The film takes us to several cities – including Tampa, Atlanta and Nashville – where sex trafficking is common. “It’s in every single community, ” an expert on the subject says. Although human trafficking can involve forced labor or involuntary servitude, the film focuses on the most popular form of trafficking in the U. S. : sex trafficking. “Most people think of it as an overseas problem. But the reality is we have a major, major issue here in America inside of our own borders – with our own kids, ” the film’s executive producer, Geoffrey Rogers, told Crosswalk. “We would estimate over 100, 000 kids in America are being trafficked for sex every single day here in our own country. ” The film includes interviews with those who were caught in the web of sex trafficking but escaped. One girl was trafficked at age 12. Most felt they had no choice, and few were raised in a loving, intact family. Most victims, in fact, were sexually abused as children. One girl in the film was trafficked by her father. Traffickers find their victims on social media but also in public places like malls. Other times, traffickers discover their victims in the commercial sex industry, whether in strip clubs or prostitution rings. Photo courtesy: Fathom 2. It Involves Teens Who Have No Hope Most victims of sex trafficking are girls, although 10-15 percent are boys. It’s estimated that one girl can net her boss between $200, 000 and $300, 000 per year. The average sex trafficking victim got into the system between the ages of 12 and 14. Some are runaways. Others grew up in the foster system. “Around 60 percent of kids that are trafficked in America come out of the foster care system, ” Rogers told Crosswalk. “These are U. -born kids, and they're being trafficked by U. citizens and being purchased by U. citizens. The foster care system is the main feeder. ” Traffickers are looking for girls with low self-esteem. “Because she's been growing up in an environment where she didn't have the best loving environment, she doesn't really even understand what true love is. She falls for this guy, head over heels. And he will groom her for six to nine months. And after a certain period of time, he'll flip a switch and say, ‘OK, now you work for me. ’” By then, many of the girls have developed an emotional bond based on trauma (Stockholm syndrome) or they’re addicted to drugs – and they don’t want to run away. Photo courtesy: Fathom 3. It’s Driven by the Porn Industry One of the most popular porn websites in the U. amassed 28 billion visits last year. Many women in the videos were victims of sex trafficking. This means, Rogers said, that porn users are feeding the sex trafficking industry without even knowing it. “We identify pornography as the No. 1 fueling factor to sex trafficking in America, ” Rogers said. It’s estimated that “over half of women involved in sex trafficking” are also forced into pornography, he said. Even worse, some of these porn addicts “then want to begin to actualize what they've been visualizing, ” he said. Blind Eyes Opened is a sobering must-see for Christians who want to know the truth about sex trafficking in the U. – and who want to help fight it. It’s not for children, but for older family members, it sheds light on a subject that too often is swept under America’s social rugs. Learn more at Michael Foust is a freelance writer. Visit his blog,. Photo courtesy: Fathom Michael Foust has covered the intersection of faith and news for 20 years. His stories have appeared in Baptist Press, Christianity Today, The Christian Post, The Leaf-Chronicle, the Toronto Star and the Knoxville News-Sentinel.

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